These photos were emailed to my boss, who in turn forwarded these to me when I requested him to. It's too cute not to share. I hope you enjoy it. I added the captions myself. Click on the photo to see what tricks these animals have up on their sleeves/paws... Once you get there, click on "slideshow" to enjoy the photos individually.
Posted by Serey A | Posted on Sunday, October 29, 2006
Category :
These photos were emailed to my boss, who in turn forwarded these to me when I requested him to. It's too cute not to share. I hope you enjoy it. I added the captions myself. Click on the photo to see what tricks these animals have up on their sleeves/paws... Once you get there, click on "slideshow" to enjoy the photos individually.
Big hugs and lots of kisses to my daughter, Karrol, for re-designing my blogsite. She is responsible for making my blog look cool... If you want to check out her own blog, visit K-Dream Palace and her contributing articles at AATheory.
cute dogsssss!! hihi i like the one that wore a penguin costume. it looks cute! hihi